Take a Left, Just Past the Big Red Bridge
March 10, 2022 Two months in the boatyard combined with all that life continued to throw at us had taken its toll. It was the first days of August and our mast was finally going back in. We had less than two days left of our four weeks of vacation with the kids and mentally, […]
The Boatyard; Would this be our Waterloo?
March 2, 2022 In the past, whenever I thought about us one day finally ‘casting off the dock lines’, I have to admit I had imagined it being a joyous and exuberant event. I had romanticized it, Charles and I, our hands held aloft in victory, me spinning like Mary Tyler Moore as we boldly […]
It Started with a Question
February 22, 2022 What a difference a year makes. I realized today that it was approximately one year ago that our lives began to seriously shift towards finally realizing our dream of cruising. It started inadvertently with an idea to move the boat to Monterey for the upcoming summer vacation with the kids. The plan […]
Long Beach
There are over 32 container ships outside Long Beach harbor, waiting to come in! Pretty clogged up. We raised anchors (had a stern anchor out) in Two Harbors and sailed downwind to Avalon. Didn’t go in, just scouted the place out. Think we will anchor farther east when we come back. Lover’s Cove looks good, […]
Wasp Waist Walk
We toodled around the harbor in the dinghy today, tied up at the dock, and went for a walk. Two Harbors is at the thinnest part of Catalina Island. We are anchored on the north side. We walked from the dock, through “town” (about 25 buildings, including a pretty good store, a restaurant, and public […]