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  • A Pilgrimage to Painted Cave; Circumnavigating Santa Cruz Island

    A Pilgrimage to Painted Cave; Circumnavigating Santa Cruz Island

    End of October 2021 The sun climbed through a foggy haze as we pulled up anchor and got underway. Our time in Prisoners Harbor had been memorable but too short, and we hoped that ‘future-us’ would be able to spend more time here, maybe go ashore and explore some of the smaller trails, check out […]


  • A Daily Dose of Dolphins? Don’t mind if I do!

    A Daily Dose of Dolphins? Don’t mind if I do!

    October 28th 2021 Our rolly nights in Santa Barbara’s bouncy anchorage had now combined with the toll taken during our harrowing flight from weather a few days prior, resulting in a thoroughly exhausted and sleep-deprived crew. Our excitement from our dolphin encounter upon our arrival to Santa Cruz Island had temporarily energized us and electrified […]


  • An Escort to Santa Cruz Island

    An Escort to Santa Cruz Island

    Wednesday, October 27, 2021 Well, so much for second chances. As it turned out our third night in Santa Barbara’s anchorage would be our last. Another sleepless and bouncy night made our decision easy so we hauled up anchor, setting our course for Prisoners Harbor on Santa Cruz Island. We had a few things to […]




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